Amrit Sadhna Courses
The Institute offers the 'Hatha Yoga' course to the students which is very relevant and useful to all age groups in our day to day life which prevents many chronic ailments like asthma, arthritis, gastritis, constipation, cardiac problem, backache etc. The course contents are designed as under :
The Institute offers the 'Hatha Yoga' course to the students which is very relevant and useful to all age groups in our day to day life which prevents many chronic ailments like asthma, arthritis, gastritis, constipation, cardiac problem, backache etc. The course contents are designed as under :
1. The course is based on the breathing exercises e.g. Pranayama comprising of
1. The course is based on the breathing exercises e.g. Pranayama comprising of
Anulom vilom
Anulom vilom
Bhramri and manymore
Bhramri and manymore
Beside this, there are various postures of Asanas which enhance the flexibility of entire body and keeps it energetic and full of vigor.
Beside this, there are various postures of Asanas which enhance the flexibility of entire body and keeps it energetic and full of vigor.
2. Variation of Surya Namaskara (Sun Salute)
2. Variation of Surya Namaskara (Sun Salute)
3. Meditation through electric gadgets and chanting of 'OM' mantra after performing the yogic postures/Asanas including Hasya Asana (Laughing)
3. Meditation through electric gadgets and chanting of 'OM' mantra after performing the yogic postures/Asanas including Hasya Asana (Laughing)