Survival of the Country's Next Generation
In the wake of recent outbreak of the dreaded CORONAVIRUS disease around the world that has already claimed more than a 1.5 lakh people, it has become a burning issue today and the question raises how to contain this pandemic and its fallout. Nobody knows the number of victims of this killer disease as there is no curable medicine/vaccine innovated so far, by any country which puts us in total darkness and scary rather very helpless at this critical juncture. As a consequence, our normal life comes to a standstill following the imposition of lock-down indefinitely.No body knows when we will come back to our daily life.
In view of the above, it is high time to introspect the real cause of this disaster. To me, it is by and large a man made disaster and we are held responsible for such calamity. If we make an in-depth study, we will see that due to ecological imbalance in the planet, the nature is not playing its role freely. As there are various types of pollutants e.g. air, water, noise, soil, greenhouse emissions etc., the whole universe is not in order causing disturbances to its ecosystem to a great extent. It is evident that the current COVID 19 disease erupted due to severe respiratory tract infection vis a vis the coronary/asthmatic problem has mostly infected the children/elderly people. Now, the question arises why the catastrophe takes place every now and then like SARS, MERS, EBOLA, BIRDFLU and now CORONAVIRUS, which are highly contagious and deadly disease. We have also witnessed flash-floods in Uttarkashi, Kerala etc. a few years back which claimed many precious lives. Further, numerous wild animals, mammals, birds etc. are in danger and on the verge of extinction due to adverse climatic condition and pollution in their habitats. Deforestation is also a cause of concern of ecological imbalance leading to global warming. But most important factor of surviving on the earth is rampant use of PLASTIC products including packed food items, water bottles, cup, plate etc. which is very injurious to our health. Not only that, we have chosen to dump the above used plastics and rejected mobile handsets into the ocean, rivers and mountains which may lead to devastation. My apprehension is that if this situation continues for long, there will be a great danger for our survival in general and for the next generation in particular. It is an irony of fate that the children consume packed food items like milk, biscuits, pulses, rice, GM vegetables and fruits, fast-foods etc. They are growing up in the polluted cities that is causing them severe respiratory problem. Although our Govt. made an effort to ban single use of plastics, river cleansing but of no avail due to lack of seriousness in implementing the decision by the concerned authorities. An abrupt use of automobiles emitting carbon dioxide and other harmful gases poses life threat to all citizens particularly children and seniors. How can they survive, if not restriction of purchase vehicles except e-vehicles is imposed right now ? Further, there is no open space or children park to get free air. Shouldn't our Govt. come up with a concrete proposal to put stricter laws of the above issues immediately. It is a very sensitive issue.
It is worth mentioning that in the last conference on Climate Change held at Paris in 2015 organized by WMO many developed countries didn't comply with the protocol of reducing greenhouse gases and preventive measures leading to global warming etc. Therefore, in the next conference of COP 26 to be held in Glasgow in 2021 every country should ramp up the efforts to reduce the emission of green house gas and avoid ecological and humanitarian crisis. The need of the hour is to make strong international collaboration to solve this issue as also to save this planet and its surroundings. Otherwise, the whole planet earth will be devastated very soon. If we go against the nature, we have to pay heavy price in near future.
In the last but not the least to mention that, from the current episode, arising out of the COVID 19 disease in the country, we must learn a lesson for the future course of action to eradicate such disease completely so as to save millions of people in the country particularly the children. It is a wake up call for us. Mere imposition of lock-down is not a permanent solution but we have to draw a long term strategic plan to curb such eventuality, like proper infrastructure for e.g. adequate isolation beds, ppe kits, iccus, lab facilities, rapid testings, doctors/paramedics, free medicine/vaccine, masks, sanitizer, foods etc. to the victims on 24 x 7 hours service. This will help a lot.
To conclude, I would like to send the following message to all as follows:
Date 12/04/2020
A Solution to Present Economic Crisis Post COVID19
Keeping in view the sudden outbreak of the COVID -19, a deadly disease originated from China engulfing most of the countries in the world, there has been a spurt of death tolls touching more than 2 lacs and may be more in the near future, including India. To combat this dreaded disease, our government has imposed lock-down for an indefinite period as a precautionary measure. As a consequence, the entire nation has come to a halt suspending airways, railways, industries, financial institutions, transportation, tourism, export-import, ITES etc. causing huge revenue losses of the government. At the same time, it is incurring mammoth expenditure towards the relief work of the victims who are either hospitalized or taken to the isolation wards, relief camps etc. In order to meet the exigencies, the government needs to create a corpus fund to the tune of thousands of crores of money for the purpose. Besides, PMCARES relief fund to augment the funds from public, pay-cut of the govt. employees etc., the RBI has stepped-in to make stimulus package for relief work as also financial assistance to various corporate sectors and financial institutions thereby exhausting its treasury gradually which is not desirable and viable at all. The country is now reeling under severe economic crisis and there will be serious negative impact on GDP, adverse balance of trade and other important industrial sectors.
During this state of emergency and financial crisis, I would suggest that our govt. should make an all-out effort and find out ways and means to bring back the huge ill-gotten money being kept in foreign banks as has been done by USA etc. in consultation with appropriate agencies so as to meet such colossal expenses towards the rehabilitation and relief work of the nation instead of sucking funds from RBI time to time to overcome the economic recession to a great extent. It remains to be seen how our Govt. initiates to overcome the situation.
Date 28/04/2020
An Emergence of Sustainable Livelihood
In the wake of current scenario of outbreak of the dreadly disease COVID 19 around the world that has so far claimed more than 3 lacs precious lives particularly in the USA and the western countries as also in India, it has become an eye-opener for all of us a to which way of life should we live now on-wards ? For the past few decades there has been a sea-change in the lifestyle of the people of the modern world depending heavily on electrical and electronics gadgets besides bad food habits leading to the sedentary lifestyle which are detrimental to our health day by day. After globalization we the Indians are supposed to follow the western lifestyle giving up our ancient sustainable lifestyle. We are now crazy to use foreign goods like motor cars, computers, smart phones, electronics gadgets, packed foods, frozen meats/sea-foods, cold drinks, cosmetics etc. Even we prefer to take junk foods, carbonated beverages instead of consuming home made foods as was in practice a few years back. More so, we are used to consume lab grown/ GM vegetables, pulses, rice, oil, eggs etc. using plastic/poly packets, plastic plates, cups, glasses, utensils etc. Instead of earthen pots, banana leaves etc. as were being used in the past. Is it not injurious to our health particularly to the children ? Today we don't intend to walk a few distance. Instead, we prefer to ride 2 / 4 wheelers that badly affects our health. Earlier we used to walk many miles easily and bicycle was the only conveyance to reach a destination which kept our health well. Further, we prefer to live in the AC room for our comforts. We choose to work-out in Gym as per the practice in Western world instead of following our ancient practice of Yoga, calisthenics, wrestling, gymnastics etc. This has caused an adverse affect on our health. Due to this sedentary lifestyle, we are prone to many ailments like cardiac problems, diabetes, obesity, asthma,, sleep disorder etc. particularly our young generation is susceptible to above diseases easily. Now our life has become a mechanical one, inviting more such health hazards in near future. This is not desirable a all.
According to my observation, the rate of the death toll is comparatively higher in the developed countries than the developing/under-developed countries due to the fact that they are having low immunity power and metabolic rate to fight the corona virus. Their food habits and sedentary lifestyle with all comforts are attributed to infect their bodies very easily, whereas we have been surviving mainly on sustainable lifestyle for many generations taking the organic foods, ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines besides doing Yoga practice, physical exercise, gymnastics etc which helps us to stabilize immunity power and metabolic rate considerably. Under the circumstances, we the citizens of India, should now think seriously as to how would we lead our lives keeping in view the present grave situation in the developed countries suffering heavy casualties due to COVID 19 inspite of having best medical facilities We should opt for traditional, sustainable and disciplined livelihood by giving up the sedentary lifestyle so as to contain such calamity in future. We have to live in harmony with nature and not against it otherwise, we have to pay heavy price.
Date 19/05/2020
In an attempt to bring back the economic slowdown on rail, following the COVID 19 outbreak in the country our PM has recently announced a stimulus package INR 20lac crore (USD 266 billion ) or 10 pc of Indian GDP. The package has been extended to various sectors like MSMEs, NBFCs, Agriculture, Agro-based industries manufacturing, power, banking, real estate, pharmaceutics, coal etc. But, there is an apprehension that MSMEs and other sectors are not happy as they didn't receive any direct financial support rather relying more on credit faculties / loans which takes much time to get the benefit. It has been observed that due to lockdown for about 50 days the production in various industries and other services have been severely affected resulting in exodus of millions of migrant workers and supporting staff to their villages, cities for want of food, medicines and essential things. Had the Govt. provided direct cash benefit to migrant workers in time, they would not have returned rather stayed back at their respective work places. As a consequence, the industries and other important sectors can't resume their production plants and business impacting heavily on the supply and demand in the market.
Now, the question of delivering this huge financial package by the govt. in addition to the earlier assistance by the RBI, has arisen as to how this will reach to the actual beneficiaries and proper utilization of the funds ? Because, the Indian economy besides its enormous size is highly complex as it operates on many levels managing it from a centralized bureaucracy, that too a slothful and leaky one will never get us desired results. The Govt. depends on the invisible hand of the market to decide who produces what, where to sell it and who buys it ? This is the time, when the Govt. can minimize bureaucratic control on the economy and emphasize on building world class infrastructures including human development.. Our PM should make the Govt. more transparent and efficient by reducing the number of ministries and keeping them focussed on what Govt. can do its best. we should boost the entrepreneurial spirit in India so as to make us a self-reliant nation as our PM has envisioned in his message to the countrymen on May 12, 2020 which is welcoming.
However, it remains to be seen how the above stimulus package is to be delivered to the respective sectors/departments judiciously to revive the Indian economy during the COVID 19 pandemic breakout.
Date 21/06/2020
After having fought a long steep battle against the British rulers by our freedom fighters with valor and indomitable spirit, we got independence in 1947. Since then, we have crossed over 74 years but we have neither been able to achieve the desired goal nor have become a self-reliant nation as our great-men have dreamt of it during pre-independence. It may be mentioned that in the new millennium our late president Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam also visioned to transform our country into a developed nation by 2020 which has been proved to be a distant dream today. It seems that we wont be able to make it by 2050 because of the following valid reasons which are elucidated here -
1) That, in order to make it a developed country, it needs the state of art infrastructure in the fields of healthcare, education, connectivity like roadways, railways, airports, ports, waterways, flyovers, industries, power generation, dams, farm engineering, smart cities, real estates, good drainage system and so-on which lacks in our country exponentially. Besides, we need to have the advanced defence weapons, science and technology, R&D, electronic goods etc. indigineously which we import from developed countries like US, UK, Europe, China etc. Even we also import the picture tube for TV, Smart phones, Toys etc. today. In this connection a small glaring example is cited here that to contain the current COVID 19 breakout, we had to import PPE kits, ventilators etc. as also the raw materials for paracetamol medicines from China as we do not produce those things. Further, we are not fully equiped with the disaster management facility to tackle the calamities due to which many lives are lost from time to time as in COVID 19 cases, earthquakes etc.
2) That, in terms of GDP (2%), per-capita income (Rs 1400 pm) , below poverty line (24%), unfavorable balanceof trade & forex reserve, industrial growth (3%), farming etc. which are the indicators of a developed country, we are lagging behind them like China etc. therefore, we need to raise the benchmark so as to make us a developed nation.
3) That, as early as in 1955, a Five-year plan was introduced to start various new projects for all round development of the country but it proved un-yielded due to lack of implementation of the policies, proper utilization of funds, monitoring of the projects etc. and finally the five year plan has been redundant a few years back. In its place the Niti Ayog has been instituted that is also not effective so much.
4) That, there is a wide gap between the rich and poor, a lot of disparity in respect of standard of living which may be termed as parochial society and it is not desirable for any developed country. There should be an inclusive growth among the citizens equitably as far as possible and eliminate poverty.
5) That, our country is grappled with corruption/scams/black money etc. for many years that has not only crippled our economy but also let down the morality and honesty of the common citizens. So how can we expect to transform our country into developed one, it is therefore, urgently needed to reform in many sectors like police , judicial system, etc. If required, we may explore for constitutional amendment to curb the social crimes, corruption etc.
6) That, one of the biggest challenges of our country is the population explosion of more than 130 crores. The rate at which it increases now, it would be unmanageable to provide basic needs like food, healthcare, education, houses etc. very soon. if we do not attempt to check the population through family planning programmes and extending some incentives/benefits etc. we have to face enormous problems in near future.
7) That, now the unemployment problem is also a cause of concern, in our densely populated country. In the event of COVID 19, this problem will be compounded further owing to the economic recession. Hence, our govt. should address this sensitive issue, on priority.
8) That, in our country, the senior citizens are languishing for want of some facilities and amenities like free medical care, free transport, free old age homes, wheel chairs, ramps and also the park for senior citizens/children to get free air which are being taken care of by some countries like Singapore, Finland, Japan, Germany etc. They should not be neglected by the Govt. and due care should be taken.
9) That, the set-up of our country is not properly organized and in equitable manner. From north to south and west to east there is disproportionate allocation of funds, proper utilization of human resources, basic facilities like health-care, food supplies, education, connectivity etc., particularly in the backward states which is why we have not developed as it ought to be in last 73 years.
10) That, so far as in the field of sports/ athletics are concerned, we are still unable to reach that level which other developed countries have attained. In the last Olympic games, not a single gold was won by India with 130 crores of population whereas China lifted 26 golds. So where do we stand now ?
To sum-up the above points, it reflects a shoddy picture of the nation due to lack of good governance. Hence, in order to make our country a developed one and self-reliant the above major issues need to be addressed on priority basis. It is praiseworthy, that our Honb'le PM has initiated to this direction. Now, our govt. should draw a roadmap to achieve this goal with letter and spirit, so that we can become a developed country by 2050. Only then, the dream of our great men will come true and justifiable.
Date 15/08/2020
Consequent upon the current alarming situation in the country due to an outrage of the dreaded COVID 19 disease around the world which has already infected more than one and half crores people and has claimed 6 lakhs plus lives, it looms large in our mind as to when this disease comes to an end as it is surging day by day. Everyone of us in the grip of panic, horrible and mental trauma as there is no preventive medicine/vaccine available in the market. It is a dangerous and contagious disease and transmitted very fast to the human body. Although the government has implemented many punitive measures like enforcement of lock-down, curfew, social distancing, shutting down of business establishments, industries, academic institutions, advising for staying at home, using masks, gloves, sanitizers, hand-wash etc to contain this dreaded disease but still we are not out of the wood. People are very scared and terrified of this disease and feeling uncertainty as to when and how they will get rid of this malady ? Particularly, the elderly persons and the children are susceptible to this disease. Most of the people are suffering from mental/psychological disorder rather a fear psychosis problem associated with the asthmatic problem and under severe stress. Practically, our normal life has come to a halt. There is restriction of free movements, neither one can talk to other nor can share their views because of fear of infection. Further, due to sudden closure of schools, colleges the students especially the budding school children are not keeping well due to physical and mental ailments. Now their parents need to counsel them by the psychiatrists and the doctors. They are in a fix as to how long it would continue ? They never thought such pathetic and unforeseen situation. Moreover, many people have become jobless due to lock-down. Particularly, the middle class people and the villagers are worst sufferers who are struggling hard to feed a morsel of food to their family members and put in an abject poverty. This puts them under stress, depression and disappointment. Since there is no ray of hope of any solution that is curative medicines/vaccines and every passing day is a nightmare, they are all praying to the Almighty to save their lives who is the ultimate savior at this critical juncture.
Under the above circumstances, I feel as a Yoga expert that since this disease causes the respiratory tract infections, we should work-out Yoga daily preferably the deep breathing exercises comprising of some Pranayama e.g. Anulom-Vilom, Kapal-Bhati, Khumbak, Bhastrika, Bharamari and lastly meditation. Besides this, we should take some herbal medicines like Arjun vati, Shitopoladi vati, Shilajeet vati, Ashwagandha vati, Giloy etc. And also, the Basil leaf, Ginger, Mulethi,turmeric,honey etc and the healthy diet. This would definitely boost up our immunity and metabolic power. During this hour of crisis regular practice of Yoga can be of great succor and chanting of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, Hanuman Chalisa, Gayatri Mantra etc are also helpful. It is a trying time for us and we should face this challenge with grit and confidence.
Date 21/4/2021
Our Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one- third the age of the Universe, by accretion of the solar nebula. The Earth was not even able to support life. There was no oxygen in the atmosphere and Earth's surface was extremely hot. Slowly, over millions of years, the Earth changed gradually so that plants and animals could begin to grow and survive. Living things then changed the earth even more. Earth formed when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust transforming the third planet from the sun. Like its fellow terrestrial planets,the Earth had a central core, a rocky mantle and solid crust. In this way, the Earth did start. It is presumed that the modern form of humans and evolved about 2,00,000 years ago. The civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old. The effect of humans on Earth can't be understated. We have been able to survive in environments all over the world even the harsh ones, such as in Antarctica. Ironically, we fell the forests and destroyed other natural areas, driving out different species , mammals,etc. into smaller areas pr into endangerment because of need to build more housing to accommodate our growing population continuously.
With more than seven billion people on mother Earth, the pollution from industries, vehicles,etc. are growing elements in climate change vis-a-vis emission of green house gas which affects our planet in ways which can't be explained. Further, we are already experiencing the effects in melting of glaciers and rising global temperature day by day. There are also reports of tsunamis, in Japan India,etc.. eruption of volcanoes in Indonesia,etc. flash floods in Himalaya mountains, frequent earthquakes, tornadoes, cyclones, droughts,etc. in many parts of the world and so on.
Now, the world is reeling under the new deadly virus of COVID-19 pandemic disease apart from the viruses SARS,EBOLA,BIRD FLU,etc.which have already ravaged and claimed crores of people in the world and many more on the card in near future. Further, there are numerous holes in ozone layers which absorbs most solar ultra-violet radiations that leads to cancerous and skin diseases to the human cells. Moreover, testing of nuclear weapons/bombs under the mother Earth by many countries is also a cause of concern .
The entire planet is on the verge of ecological imbalances, over burdened and distressed by the insensitive acts of humans and is in the process of imminent destruction very soon. It may be defined as degeneration of this beautiful Earth or we can say an evolution of the planet. There is an universal law "when there is creation, there is destruction".
Date 01/05/2021
Ever since the country became independent, particularly from the eighties onward, our country is grappled with a barrage of corruptions/scams right from the Tehelka exposure in defence deals, share scams of Harshad Mehta and Satyam Co.,etc. to money laundering cases of Nirav Modi and Vijay Mallaya, allocation of 2G spectrum, Sharada/Rose Valley chit funds, hawala cases against the ministers,etc.etc. Besides these there are daily reports of violence, murders, rape cases, arson, drug trafficking, extortions etc which are continuing unchecked around us.
All these evil things have been triggered in connivance with the ministers, so called netas, bureaucrats,etc. influenced by crony capitalism. After having elected in the Parliament/Assemblies, the ministers/netas garnering through vote bank politics, they put all kinds of dishonest routes to amass huge black money disproportionately instead of rendering services selflessly to the countrymen in our society for which they take oath in the swearing in ceremony. This has resulted in crippling our social and economical developments to a great extent. Thus, we are lagging far behind the other developed in each and every field except doing dirty politics. Here, I can cite a glaring example of an abysmal performance in the Olympic Games by our country without winning a single gold medal having 135 crores of people. Unfortunately, neither the Sports Minister nor the Prime Minister bothers with it. Whereas the bogus IPC cricket tournament continues to be organized every year despite Covid-19 pandemic disease. It is all about money. Now, every citizen is deeply shocked as also has lost their confidence in the governance under the present Parliamentary System. Even our faithful army men have lost their trust and are questioning the integrity of the ministers, politicians and bureaucrats,etc.In the name of democracy and serving the country, the politicians have been constantly deceiving us which may be termed as the acts of ''treason' and' traitor'. Although, our Govt. set up many inquiry committees to probe the matters to punish the culprits but no productive results came out and they were made scot-free in the society.
Further, as per our constitutional obligation and to uphold the democracy in the country, the Election Commission conducts elections both for parliament and state assemblies at regular intervals for which the nation has to commit an exchequers to the tune lakhs of crores of money for the purpose which bears the brunt by the people directly. It is nothing but a mockery of democracy . It is simply wastage of money which can be used for social welfare programmes and other infrastructural development. Now, the Parliament is no longer a temple of democracy but it often turns a battlefield by the MPs/MLAs without transacting any business thereby incurring crores of money on this account. Is there any justification to continue such a system of Parliament of disrepute? In view of the above shoddy and gloomy pictures of the country and a responsible citizen of India, I would strongly propose a major reform of the present parliamentary system of Govt. for at least 10 years.
In order to ensure a corruption free , transparent and well disciplined, the President should promulgate a Special Ordinance for reforming of present Parliamentary System and run the Government with the help of High Power Committee comprising of eminent scientists, educationists, economists, sociologists,technocrats, sports-persons, physicians, Retd. judges ,ex-military personnel,etc. who can serve this motherland very efficiently and selflessly. This will definitely transform into a new India and become a developed country as visioned by our Late Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam and others
"A great democracy must be progressive "
Date 24/05/2021
For the last one decade or so, there are mushrooming of innumerable news channels and print media in the country which send the negative impact on us owing to the fake news and unauthentic one . Further, the twitter, facebook, whatsapp,etc are also attributed to the misleading the people. Since there is no limitation on news channels and print media, they mostly come up with the concocted news thereby attracting the public for making financial gain and become the news-monger. Earlier, we would treat the newspaper as very authentic and spread it through our societies as it was a very useful tool to imparting knowledge among the young and old. Now-a-days, the contents of the newspapers are mostly revolving around COVID-19 pandemic disease, criminal cases e.g.violence, rapes, extortion, cheating,money laundering,et.etc. The reports of the Covid-19 disease are mostly hyped and extravagant than the actual facts and figures which creates panic and anxiety among the readers as also the viewers of the news channels. Even now, the political parties are engaged in the blame game and tends to fusillade against each other through different news channels which are directly or indirectly injurious to our mental health particularly the elderly persons and the students too. If this thing goes on there will be definitely an adverse effect on the society. Since there is no regulations of the new channels/print media, they commercialize it and earn money indiscriminately and raising their TRPs uninterruptedly.
In view of the above, it is worthwhile to note that since there are lack of clarity and due diligence of the news channels/print media/face book/twitter,etc., there is an urgent need to make some regulations by the Govt.. to abstain from spreading fake and superfluous news. It may be mentioned that we are having unlimited channels /newspapers in compare to the foreign countries which should be looked into on priority immediately..
"Whatever Media Controls, Leads to Mind Control "
Date 06/06/2021
Looking around the humans sufferings and ordeals following the COVID-19 pandemic disease which have claimed the precious lives estimating about 35 lacs and beyond globally, this has prompted me to narrate the very essence of life which has created by the grace of God. Mainly, the life has four characteristics - it exists, evolves, expresses and ultimately extinguishes. And for these, our life depends on five important elements i.e. earth, water, air, ether and fire. It does not function within the fixed compartments. It is a continuous flow process. According to our Indian mythology, a human life comes after having reincarnation of 84 lacs of evolution. The moment a man sees the light on the earth, his/her journey starts like a cycle and treads through many phases of life right from the childhood, adolescent to old age and it is a life cycle. Everyone has his/her own cherished dream and mission. To fulfill this , he/she makes every effort to fly high and satiates the desired goal he dreams about.
In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic disease since November/December,2019 which ravaged almost the entire world and puts us in the shadow of darkness and scary rather very helpless. As a consequence, our normal life came to a stand still following the imposition of lock-down barring the restrictions like social distancing, using masks, shutting down schools/colleges/universities, parks, temples, social and cultural events,etc.etc. These have added further woes both physically and mentally to all the age groups particularly the elders and teenagers who seem to be very stressful and passing the harrowing time every-moment . Parents are in a fix how to tackle their kids/siblings during this critical time. Even the situation emerges so worst that the doctors are required to counsel those affected children/elders from time to time. Fearing this dreaded disease, nobody dares to move outside the home and talk to their fellows/neighbors friends,etc. Nobody imagined such miserable and distressing life ever. None can predict the extent of the pandemic disease and how to contain it. This has put us in a horrible and holocaust situation. This has made our life vulnerable and distraught a lot. Is this a way to lead our life in total uncertainty and darkness. We know that everyone has to wade through well and woes. By this way, we can realize now the real essence of life.
“This pandemic has magnified every existing inequality in our society – like systemic racism, gender inequality, and poverty,” Melinda Gates
Date 29/06/2021
With the advent of New Year 2021, we pray to almighty to bless with health, happiness and prosperity. Because the year 2020 was zadded with a lot of pain, suffering owing to breakout of COVID-19 pandemic disease in the country which claimed more than 1.50 lacs of people till date and may surge more in the near future. To combat this dreaded disease our nation was not at all prepared due to lac of proper infrastructure like, hospitals, train doctors, medicines, PPEs, oxygen cylinders etc. Ot was completely unmanageable for a country having more than 130 crores of people to provide all these facilities. This was a gigantic task for us to cater the needs of the affected people. Had our population under control, we could manage it through proper medical aids among them. The over population attributes enormous problems enumerated below:
1) that firstly, the food security of the citizens is the biggest challenge for us. Till now, many parts of the country like Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, MP, UP, Rajasthan, NE regions are struggling hard to meet the square meal. Many children and elder people are succumbing to death due to malnutrition. It is worth noting that as per the global hunger index (GHI) 2020 published in the Indian express, India ranks 94 out of 107 countries. Even India features behind Nepal (73), Bangladesh (75), Pakistan (88), Indonesia (70) among others. It reflects a shoddy picture of India as far as the food security is concerned.
2) that our Govt, is unable to proper medical aid like medicines, vaccines, lab-test, rt-pcr, hospital beds, oxygen, medical staff to cope with the huge number of patients.
3) that due to over population, many villages/cities are deprived of getting safe drinking water as the water level is being depleted day by day. If it continues for long, everyone has to pay irrespective of the rich and poor.
4) that one if the greatest challenges is unemployment. As per the CMIE (Center for Monitoring Indian Economy), the employment rate stood at 36.21 % in last Nov 2020. In other words, the present unemployment rate is near about 64%. It will become impossible task for the govt. to provide jobs as against the steep rise against the rate of population. Further, in the event of COVID-19 pandemic, the unemployment rate has been heightened considerably.
5) that as per the constitution, education for all the children in the age group of 6-14 is compulsory. Unfortunately, India has failed to attain the literacy rate satisfactorily after the Independence. Presently, the literacy rate stands at 70% approx. as per the NSO survey. Still we are lagging behind other developed countries in this respect. Due to over population and socioeconomic problem, children are deprived of getting proper education as also insufficient schools in the country. It needs to be addressed immediately.
6) that in such a densely populated country, housing problem triggers one of the biggest challenges before the nation. Millions of people are still living in the slum even in the open sky vis-a-vis homeless. Had our population under control, the problem could be sorted out by us. There is a huge gap between the demand and supply of houses.
7) that with the growing rate of population, the country is facing another menace of pollutions for e.g. air, water, soil, noise etc. which leads to various health hazards of the citizens particularly the children and the elders. Presently, the air pollution rate (AQI) is at an average above 300 in urban cities mainly due to plying of the four and two wheelers, heavy vehicles etc. emitting CO2 profusely. This needs to be checked immediately.
8) that in order to administer two doses of Covid vaccines to all the citizens, more than 2.60 crores of doses are required for the purpose. It is over and above the regular use of syringes and plastic made PPE, sanitizers, medicines, oxygen cylinders, etc, how can a densely populated country cope with such huge demand keeping in view the lack of task force.
In the light of the above shoddy and green pictures of the country, this is the high time for us to make a clarion call to every citizen to have wise family planning so as to control the birth rate deterrently. It is the need of the hour by our govt. to make mass awareness among the citizens to reintroduce the family planning program as in the past with some rewards, incentives etc. for sterilization/vasectomy and also some financial benefits for e.g. additional increment to govt. and non-govt. employees. Otherwise, the country will have to face serious consequences to manage the population explosion by 2050. If required, the govt. must ponder over some legislation to curb the growth rate of population irrespective case, religion so as to make a developed country. In this regard, only two states, Assam and UP has come up with a proposal to control the population which is commendable. My only apprehension is that when we fail to provide the basic needs of the people for.e.g. food, healthcare, education, jobs, drinking water, housing etc. then why our govt. do not find ways and means to reduce the population growth ?
This is one of the biggest challenges before the nation and we should take a lesson from the pandemic-19. Isn't it ?
“Population Growth is Not a Boon but a Bane”
Date 30/07/2021
The river Ganga is a famous river of the plains of Northern Indian subcontinent from time immemorial, it has been a holy river of Hinduism. For most of time, it is a wide and sluggish stream flowing through one of the most fertile and densely populated regions the world and it is a lifeline of India. Its length is about 2704 km. Its basin supports hundreds of millions of people and has been the cradle of successive civilization from Mauryan empire of Ashoka to the Mughal empire, founded in the 16th century. It has two main headstreams, one is the Alakananda , north of the Himalayan peak of Nanda Devi and the second is Bhagirathi which originates at about 10,000 feet above the sea level at the base of Himalayan glacier known as Gangotri. The Alkananda and Bhagirathi rivers unite at Devaprayag to form the mainstream known as the Ganga which flows to another plain at Haridwar, a sacred place of Hindus. It stretches towards Uttarpradesh, Bihar and lastly Bangladesh. It has many tributaries e.g. Yamuna river in Delhi, Gomati river in Lucknow, etc. which reaches to Allahabad. It flows through the delta region of the Bay of Bengal. It has also innumerable channels from Southern and Western surfaces of the Ganges, like Kaveri, Krishna, Godavari etc. etc. The river Ganga basin and its other tributaries cater -us in many ways, as follows:
1) Irrigation - The Ganga water is extensively used for irrigation and its soil is highly fertile by cultivating crops like sugarcane, cotton, rice, oilseeds, etc. Many canals have been bifurcated from the Ganga River to produce crops.
2) Navigation - From ancient time, the Ganges were important transportation route. But, due to construction of railways
its importance has been declined now.
3) Hydroelectric power - The hydroelectric potentiality of the Ganges and its tributaries are enormous. But, now due to receding of the Ganga water level, the production of power is affected badly.
4) Religion - The religious importance of the Ganges is incredible in compare to any other rivers in the world. It has been
revered from ancient times and is regarded as the holiest river by the Hindus. In kumbha mela, lacs of pilgrims immerse themselves in the rivers particularly in Haridwar, Allahabad, Varanasi, etc.
Keeping in view the importance of Ganga River, stated above, it is losing the image and sanctity because of the fact that its water has become highly polluted. Many cities and towns dump the untreated sewage into the river and its tributaries. The rate of flow is very slow resulting in deposition of silt thereby declining water level. Many factories alongside the Ganga contribute industrial and chemical waste, the unburnt dead bodies, animal carcasses as well as the toxin substances of chromium, arsenic, lid, plastic bags, etc. are found in the Ganges. Moreover, due to the recent COVID-19 disease broke out in the country, gallons of detergent, sanitizer & soap chemical effluents are being drained out in the basins of the Ganges which is very serious problem of the nation in terms of health and hygiene in future. Further, it is worth mentioning that from time to time, many cities and villages experience either flood or drought due to disproportionate water and somewhere dried up. In this situation, if the linkage of the rivers is done properly, the equal quantity of water would flow in the all the rivers so as to prevent the flood and drought to a great extent. Harvesting of rainwater may also mitigate the problem of water scarcity.
Hence our Govt. should immediately consider the issue seriously and come up with a comprehensive blueprint for retrieval of river Ganga and its tributaries from severe water pollution and also to take up the river linkage project to save us from sudden flood and drought expeditiously otherwise the holy Ganga can't be revived. It is a lifeline of our country.
“Ganga is the consciousness and lifeline of India. Save it before its too late.”
Date 05/02/2022
Based on the United Nation's IPCC Report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the Human induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world including India where the mega cities, coastal areas and the Himalayan river system are at a grave risk. The dense coastal settlements like Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata as also the western countries face some of the highest climate risks from the compound effects of rising the sea level, storms and heatwave.
The recent climate change gathers pace resulting how the extreme weather events have reached our doorsteps. So the information of the Reports is to project the global temperature increases within the 1.5 degree to 2 degree celsius limits which may face more challenging climate extremity in near future. As stated above, the sea level is to be increased above 3.7 millimeter within 2040. The average global temperature will be increased by more than 1.5 degree celsius in the world by 2030. We have failed to even reach near the committed curbs on emission of CO2. We should curb the emission, embrace sustainable development and natural defenses and more importantly, we need to assess the risk before we do anything with the environment. There are reports of sudden flash floods, earthquakes, droughts,eruptions of volcanoes, cyclones, deforestation, ice melting in Antarctica/Himalayas and so on causing deaths of billions of people as also the extinction of various species and animals on the earth.
Now, the CO2 levels, the highest in the history are impacting the crop nutrients. The scientists have found at how rising CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are reducing key nutrients in staple crops like wheat and rice. At the increased CO2 levels, there could be reduction of 5-15% in Iron, Zinc & Protein within rice, wheat, maize and soya. In India, about 15 millions of people could be at new risk of zinc deficiency which is important for our immune systems. There is also an impact on food production due to extreme climate change.
Keeping in view the above, we should now ponder over this issue seriously and need to establish a research centre exclusively for studying the growing threat of severe weather events or natural calamities , as cited above so as to protect our country and the earth as well in no time. (image courtesy
In the event of the COVID-19 Pandemic Disease which has devastated millions of lives and livelihoods followed by the recent war between Russia and Ukraine , has further deepened the humans and economic misery around the world.There has been huge setback both financially and physically for the common people , in particular . As a consequence, Human Development Index (HDI) in the developing and under-developing countries has been a cause of concern. The HDI considers three indicators of human development namely life expectancy, education and per capita income. The global data provides information on HDI of Somalia putting it at 0.361 the lowest in the world and India's HDI is 0.645 in compare to Switzerland 0.955,etc.etc.
It is worthwhile to mention that after having ruled our country by the British government for about 200 years , we were subjected to the slavery and economic misery. Ironically, even after 75 years of Independence, we live in the parochial society and under the poverty line where there is a wide gap between the rich and poor in terms of social and economical status, that is why our HDI shows an abysmal figure. It is imperative to state that with the advent of 'Globalization' in 1990s which was aimed at bridging the gap between the rich and poor, it has been proved imprudent.
The globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies and govt's worldwide in order to reap the benefits to all. One of the renowned economists,e.g.Nobel Laureate Dr.Joseph E.Stiglitz , has opined that globalization has not been pushed carefully and fairly. On the contrary, the liberalization policies have been implemented too far, in the wrong order. There is inequality in our society which undermines the strength of our economy and contributes the economic instability. For instance, America's growth has been strongest where inequality is far broader. About 90% of the wage earners have risen their wage by only 15% in the past 30 years. The developed countries, in contrast, it has seen an increase of 150%over the same time. Altogether, they control 50% of the nation's wealth. The developed countries have failed to transfer their advanced technology to the developing and under-developing countries.Now, many nations are in the grip of economic recession following COVID-19 pandemic disease/Ukraine war,etc. The inflation is spiraling high, there is widen fiscal deficit. An acute unemployment problem persists, the question of food security has arisen and so on. The glaring example is SriLanka /Nepal,etc, Hence, the purpose of globalization has been defeated fully.
Further, the GATT Agreement( General Agreement on Trade and Tariff) has also not been implemented properly which underlines the need for distribution of equal benefit to rich and poor countries in respect of exports and imports of essential commodities & other products e.g. rice, wheat, sugar, cereals, medicines, electronics goods etc. but did not materialize in a perspective way. In view of the above scenario, it is evident that the general growth and development of the nation have been stifled considerably. Unless and until we undertake the infrastructural , industrial, agricultural and technological development in a big way , we can't transform our country into a developed one even by 2050 so as to attend the inclusiveness of an all round growth and development of the nation to reach out the underprivileged citizens as well (image courtesy
" What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make .” - Dr Jane Goodall
In the event of the coronavirus pandemic disease outbreak in 2019 around the world which ravaged and claimed many lives to the tune of 65 lacs approximately till dates, there has been a huge economic setback to combat this dreaded disease by spending on immunizations, supply of foods, hospitalizations and other follow up actions to the victims of many developed and underdeveloped countries. Still, we are not out of the wood yet of the pandemic disease and it may resurface in other variants as per the recent WHO reports. This would result in further death toll in coming winter session and may warrant lock down and obviously the condition will further worsen our daily life and will come to a halt and uncertain time prevails around the world.
It is worthwhile to mention that in the wake of recent unwarranted war between Russia and Ukraine, this may lead to further economic turmoil owing to disruption of regular supply chairs of petrol, natural gas, crude oil, food grains etc. from Russia which contributes as major oil and energy producing country in the world and it exports to the European and Asian countries in particular. There is no inkling of ceasefire of the above war, immediately. Now, keeping in view of the above catastrophe and economic crisis the UNSC should intervene the matter over and above the NATO which enjoys the following powers under the UN charter:
1) To maintain peace and security in accordance with the principles and the purpose of the UN
2) To investigate any dispute and situation which may lead to intervention frictions and recommended methods of adjusting such disputes or the term of settlements
3) To take military action against an aggressor or invader
Further, the NATO may play a pivotal role in the matter which provides unique link between the continents of Europe and North America. It enables them to consult and cooperate in the field of defense and security. Therefore, in my opinion it is the need of the hour to take the center stage by the UN security council vis-à-vis NATO to impede and exercise its authoritative power to disengagement of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine as early as possible so as to bring peace, harmony and also to save the word and revive the world economy without any delay. In the large interest of the people, Russia should not wage nuclear war on Ukraine further instead both the countries should come to a negotiating table for amicable settlement and initiate for ceasefire at the earliest. (image courtesy
" “If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war.”
― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace ”
What is Happiness ?
Now-a-days the word "happiness" keeps us at bay as many individuals are in the grip of mental and physical ailments apart from their economical problems. They lead their lives very stressful and eventually forget their happiness and joy.
In this context, we may follow the sermons of Lord Buddha who gave us a number of sutras that are very practical and easy to understand about happiness. The sutras are based on four foundations of Mindfulness i.e. mindfulness of the body, feelings, mental formations and the objects of the mind. Practicing the above sutras,we can have a deep insight into our body, mind, feelings and our perceptions. Buddha proposes many ways of breathing in and out. These exercises help us to release the tension in our body, mind, emotions and generate a feeling of joy and happiness whenever we want to.
Actually , the happiness comes from within. Many individuals express their happiness in their own ways, like singing and listening to the songs, reading the books, offering prayers to God, traveling, playing sports and so on. Let us not be afraid of sorrow and despair. Instead, we should be happy and blissful everytime with the help of above sutras and release your tension and feel the joy.
on the eve of International Day of Yoga June 21, 2023
"Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears .”
― John Lennon
One of the oldest sciences in the world is 'Yoga' which was originated in India about 5000 years ago. According to mythology, formerly known as Indus Valley , Lord Shiva was the Adiyogi, the first to impart the knowledge of yoga and He was the inventor of yoga. Thereafter, Maharshi Patanjali, Adi Shankaracharya ,Yogi Shivanand, Rishi Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda, etc.etc. were the prominent contributors in the field of yoga sutras who followed the footsteps of Lord Shiva.
Yoga works on the level of one's body, mind, emotion and energy. Practising yoga stabilizes blood pressure and heart rate that can help controlling risk of cardiac disease. It helps lower the cholesterol levels through different 'Pranayam' postures. It helps to relieve from anxiety and depression. Doing yoga can reduce the amount of cortisol, a hormone that the body releases in response to stress. Some yogic experts think that the chronic high levels of cortisol may lead to the depression as also may impair the immune system. The physical practice of Yoga i.e.' Hatha Yoga' is the most predominant form across the world. The goal of 'Hatha Yoga' is to balance the mind , body and the spirit by physical practice, breath work and meditation which is the most important factor of yoga.
Yoga provides an overall well-being for all age groups, particularly the older one in our society. It can cure many ailments like osteoarthritis , asthma, diabetes, thyroids, acidity, obesity, hypertension and so on. Regular practising yoga develop more flexibility, strength and stamina as also the metabolism rate of your body.It helps you to de-stress in a better way and could make a big difference in your health and mind. Of course, you need to have healthy and balanced diet to get the benefits of yoga., as mentioned above. In the last but not the least to mention that yoga is the powerful tool to make a healthy and happy life. Further, Yoga is the lee way towards the spirituality and consciousness.
"Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better you practice , the brighter the flame"
"Yoga began with the first person wanting to be healthy and happy all the time. The very heart of Yoga practice is Abhyasa - steady effort in the direction you want to go”
― Swami Satchidananda
After centuries of patience, sufferings and countless sacrifices by the Kar-sevaks, Lord Sri Ram has ultimately re-appeared in the form of an "Idol"as Ram Lalla' whose consecration i.e. 'Pran Pratistha' has been performed pompously on 22nd January, 2024 at about 12.30 the newly built grand and illuminated Ram Temple in Ayodhya, the original birth place of Lord Sri Ram who will now reside permanently on the bank of the Saryu river.
After overcoming 73 years of legal battle, the dream has come true and re-written a new history. It is the origin of new 'kaal chakra' (cycle of time). This 'pran pratistha' ceremony at Ram Mandir marks a major milestone in rediscovery of Bharat by Indians and Hinduism by Hindus. I firmly believe with immense devotion that the experience as happened on that day, will be felt by millions of devotees of Lord Ram in every corner of the country and the world too. This moment was supernatural and everlasting in our memory.There was celebration of 'choti diwali' or' akal' diwali in front of the Saryu river bank in the evening lighting with the earthen lamps as also observed accross the country with great enthusiasm and fervour.
Lord Ram is the universe,and the soul of the universe. And therefore, when Ram is re-established in the divine temple, its impact lasts not just for years or centuries. It impact is for thousands of years from now. It will bring new aspirations and ethos to the young and next generations as well. After the span of decades after decades, one trusted tapaswi and visionary devotee appears in the centre stage to undertake such monumental and divine task for the country. This mammoth task could only have been possible with the guidance and self-less effort by our Hon'ble Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi and we should salute him from the core of our heart for this noble cause to erect such grand temple. I will remember this proud moment for ever and place on records its appreciation in my memory.
अनिर्वेदम् च दाक्ष्यम् च मनसः च अपराजयम्।
कार्य सिद्धि कराणि आहुः तस्मात् एतत् ब्रवीमि अहम्॥
― "Insistency, ingenuity, and indomitability of heart are required for achieving results. Therefore I say so! " Valmiki’s Ramayana 4.49.6
Discipline powers our ability to overcome distractions, disappointment and discomfort to progress towards success. When we master the self-discipline , we can overcome our negative emotions and habits to build the self-control and will power necessary personal growth. We can transform ourselves to achieve our visions. This is possible with the help of practicing yoga and meditations. Discipline motivates oneself despite contrary desires or temptation to act otherwise. It involves controlling our faculties and conducts to stay the course towards a goal. Discipline empowers us to leverage motivation and habits by consciously regulating our actions. Discipline is invaluable for accomplishing long term objectives. We can't build towards our envisioned futures without controlling our present actions. The self-discipline helps to refuel our energy and wellness. We can be the master of art of discipline by indulging our passion, purpose or duties. In this context, it is worthwhile to mention that regular practicing of yoga removes our mental taxation of making daily activities.
Discipline is an essential piece of progression and not the entirety of it. As we work, we must celebrate each accomplishment and overcome the distractions in moderations. Temporary failure is inevitable even for the highly disciplined persons. Setbacks teach us more about our weak points than our successes. With self-compassion, we should regain our confidence and continue our work. Tomorrow awaits another opportunity to demonstrate the discipline.The cultivation of discipline empowers us to transcend inner resistance and obstacles to manifest the visions, we hold for our lives. We can translate motivation into actions over the long haul through routine, and self- knowledge.Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. With consistent yoga practice, the challenging path transforms into assured stress-free life.
It is my strong belief that regular practising of yoga inculcates the true value of discipline of any human being. It is an integral part of Yoga Shastra.
― "Yoga uses the body to discipline the mind and to reach the soul. "
Recently, our Govt. has drawn a road map for making India as 'DEVELOPED COUNTRY' by 2047. If it is so then we have to assess our quantum of progress in various sectors thoroughly , as narrated below:
Presently, India faces significant challenges in the state of art infrastructures development including inadequate transport networking e.g.roadways,airways,waterways, power and water shortages in many villages without electricity, faulty drainage system and limited access to quality healthcare and education as also the advanced technological infrastructure like smart cities ,etc.. Further, there is sluggish rates of industrial growth and service sectors as well. The most important criteria for evaluating the benchmark of economic development is GDP(Gross Domestic Product) which is presently less than 6% and the per capita income are considered developed. Now, our per capita income is Rs.18,000 (approx) In this context, India is behind the China whose per capita income is 5.5 times and the UK's is almost 3.3 times. Further, a country with HDI(Human Development Index) over 0.8 is considered as developed. According to latest dta, India score is 0.633 and it stands at 132nd [lace out of 192 countries ranked. Moreover, the Global Hunger Index (GHI) gives India a rank of 111 out of 125 countries and 100 point scale is the worst.
In addition to above shortcomings, the following impediments are being highlighted :-
1. that, there is ill- equipped defense system as we are still dependent on advanced countries for supply of supersonic combat air crafts like Rafael, F-16,etc.,
nuclear warfare, submarine,missiles,etc. in contrast of China which possess very powerful and advanced arms and ammunition besides USA,Russia,France,UK,etc.
2. that, India has yet to attain the benchmark of advanced Science and Technology in the fields of Robotics Engg., space science, earth science and so on.
3. that, our country is still under starvation/malnutrition in many villages/fringe areas. As per the recent Global Hunger Index(GHI) ,India stands at 111 out of 125 countries. Hundred point scale is the worst. The Govt. should alleviate the standard of life.
4. that, the country is seriously grappled with rampant corruptions in every sector of public welfare schemes, employment, judiciary, administration even in the academic institutions too. It is like a cancerous disease. Until and unless, it is rooted out the country cannot be the developed country.
5. that, there is a multi-party system in the country which is the main constraint /road block in making India as developed country as many men many minds don't work. In other developed countries, there are limited political parties.
6. that, the reservation system in education, employment,etc. on caste basis is a regressive step to further development of the country. In every developed country,the education , employment,etc. are done purely on merit basis only and not on caste basis. There is sense of discrimination and disappointment among the deserved and meritorious students and job seekers. The reservation system must be dispensed with immediately. So called netas/politicians prefer to play the reservation card to garner the votes, nothing else.The Govt. should ponder over extending facilities like free education, free ration, free medicine, free transportation, houses, make them eligible to get employment but not on quota system. It is unethical and injustice to good students/teachers. Ultimately, they leave the country for job opportunities/higher studies in other advanced countries where this is done strictly on merit.
7. that , presently India is in the grip of severe pollution problem like air, water, soil and sound pollution which looms large in respiratory disease and other health hazards particularly for the kids and senior citizens which needs to be addressed immediately on priority.
8. that, the population explosion in our country is also an impediment to make India as developed country. Until and unless, our Govt. controls the population growth rate, it can't achieve its goal. by 2047.
9. that , the proposal for holding Olympic Game in 2036 in India, it doesn't meet the basic qualifying marks to compete with other advanced countries as also the basic infrastructures to conduct the Olympic Game. "First you deserve then desire".
10. that, India's export and import figures seem to be unimpressive vis-a-vis the import is higher than the export. Further, it's trade deficit increased to 17.49 billion dollars which is unfavorable to become a 'Developed Country'. Intetestingly, when sensex is booming in stock market,our Rupee is devaluing particularly with regard to th US dollar which now touches at Rs.83.The reason lies in the aptly named CAD[Current Account Deficit].As we import 80%of our oil consumption, an outflow of foreign currency stands out which is not good health of Indian economy
11. that, unfortunately our country is unable to produce the semi-conductors, picture tubes, essential drugs for cancer disease, myocardial strain for heart disease, DBS an electrode battery for brain surgery etc.etc.which are imported from advanced countries.
12. That,the achievement of launching Chandrayaan-3 would not have been possible without the technical assistance of NASA.
In view of the impediments, as stated above, it is a tumultuous and bigger challenges for the Govt. to make India as Developed Country by 2047 and I doubt it.
― "First deserve and then desire "
Date 21-4-2024
Since 1952, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has been conducting the elections, both parliamentary and assembly, as per the constitution.These elections are held through the ballot papers using the ballot box (now the EVM) in person. To conduct these elections/by elections. thousand and thousand crores of public money have been spent from the Govt. treasury. Soon after the election dates are announced by the ECI, different political parties start their election campaign vigorously through various ways with a dance of democracy. In this process, the entire country comes in the grip of tension, violence, anarchy, loot, arson using bombs/pistols, etc. by the antisocial elements and mafias to wrest their constituencies at any cost, resulting in the loss of innocent lives, damaging the public properties and so on. It continues unabated at the pre-poll and post-poll periods for which the ECI have to deploy the central security forces/state police forces with an outgo expenditures of crores of money. Ultimately, there is no positive outcome except to appease the co called netas/ministers who only enjoy the cash and kind in many ways. They use their muscle and money powers during elections to capture the election booths and mass rigging as the complaints to the ECI. The electorates get frightened to cast their votes freely and peacefully.They are prevented to enter the polling booths due to sporadic violences and intimidations snspite of installation of the CCTVs,etc.
Under the above circumstances, as a citizen of India it is proposed to dispense with the existing voting system through ballot box/EVM, in person and explore the possibilities to franchise their votes "through on line or any other methods", as in practice being followed for the All India Competitive Tests/ that the voters need not go to the polling booths and stay safely at home without any fear whatsoever. It can start with on trial and error basis for the small states like Goa, Arunanchal Pradesh, Sikkim etc. and UTs . Further, it is not the last but least to mention that thousands crores of public money can be saved and be utilised for the public welfare programmes, projects etc.
― "That government is best which governs least. "
Date 14-7-2024
Now-a-days, our society is grappled with one of the major issues that is drug addiction. Especially, the younger generation is being badly affected with drugs and alcoholic addiction. If a person is addicted to drugs, the problem is not the drugs or alcohol, the problem is why he is addicted to drugs - because to them, life offers no joy, life is so empty, so meaningless. Drugs make at least a few hours colorful and fantasy. Actually, the drugs are only giving them hallucinations. And when somebody has to choose between a dream and a reality which is far more golden and beautiful than the dream. Drugs/ alcohol have supported him, these are killing him, these are destroying him but these have at-least shown him beautiful dreams. It is not an ideal way to spend the precious life in such a wretched condition which is meaningless.
To my mind, only 'meditation' can help them to get rid of the drug/alcohol addiction to a great extent. Drugs are only giving them hallucinations for a moment. Initially, you will face some difficulties as you will have to go through a certain discipline when you practice 'meditation'. Before you become addicted to any drug, you will start experiencing tremendous ecstasies and happiness within yourself. The drug is left far behind. It was giving you only a hallucination and illusion temporarily nothing else.
From the above narratives, we can say that 'meditation' could be the antidote to drugs. This is one type of counseling process.
― "Peace come from within, donot seek it outside "
Gautam Buddha
Date 01-09-2024
In traditional yoga, the initial stages of Yam, Niyam and Asana purify the body, mind and soul, removing toxins and harmful habits. Only after the purification process is done, one is ready for Pranayam, the practice of controlled breathing which channels vital energy, pran and enhances the spiritual power. However, realising the time constraints faced by the modern-day practitioners, particularly the householders, ancient yoga gurus namely Mahavatar Babaji and Shyama Charan Lahiri had introduced a modified approach called "Kriya Yoga" around 200 years ago. This form of yoga was designed to accelerate spiritual progress by simplifying the traditional methods, making it more accessible to people with limited time.
Kriya Yoga allows practitioners to replace the earlier stages of Yam and Niyam, starting directly with Pranayam. In this method, the process of purifying the body and mine happens naturally through the practice of Kriya Yog which addresses the same tendencies that Yam and Niyam traditionally manage. Over the time, practitioners experience a gradual transformation as old habits are replaced by more spiritually aligned ones. Kriya Yoga thus enables everyone to experience the benefits of spiritual purification and growth, more rapidly.
The core of Kriya Yoga focuses on balancing the body's internal energy channels. Specifically the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadis. Ida, and Pingala represent dual energies - masculine and feminine or left and right - while the Sushumna represents the central energy channel enabling the spiritual awakening. The practice of Kriya Yoga helps open the Sushumna nadi, allowing pran to flow upwards which awakens the Kundalini energy.
One of the unique aspects of Kriya Yog is that it requires no external tools or objects, making it highly suitable for people living multifaceted, busy lives. It works entirely within the practitioner's body focusing on three diving qualities - light, sound and vibration. Lastly, Kriya yog's ability to induce rapid spiritual progress has made it a powerful tool for self-realisation. It can bring about a spiritual revolution within a single lifetime, leading to liberation (Moksh), if practised diligently.
― "Practising Kriya and remaining in Kriya’s transcendental state – this entails saying everything."
Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
Date 30-09-2024
First of all, it is imperative to give a brief resume about the Andaman Islands where I have visited recently. The name of Andaman is presumed to be derived from Hanuman who was known to the Malaya as 'Handuman' and later renamed as 'Andaman'. The Andaman and Nicobar islands have India's best nestling beaches for three species of turtles - hawks bill, green turtle and leather-back. The Andaman & Nicobar Islands is a union territory of India comprising 572 islands of which only 31 are inhabited. These islands are grouped into two main clusters - the Northern Andaman Islands and Southern Nicobar Islands, separated by about 150 km. wide channel. Its capital city is Port Blair which is the gateway to the pristine islands.
On arrival at Port Blair Airport with my family, we were spellbound for a while to have a marvelous glimpse of the ocean. The shimmering blue water, smooth silky sands, lovely cottages, huts are the attractive of the tourists. However, we booked an accommodation which was located just near the beach what was mindblowing and well decorated suits. Next morning, we started our journey to the first visiting spot, the iconic Cellular Jail. This three storeyed prison constructed by the British in 1906, having 1900 dark small prison compartments. This jail is also known as 'Kala Pani'. The walls of the jail are strained with unforgettable tales of oppression and colonial tyranny against the freedom fighters. It is a place that stirs emotional and ignites a deep appreciation for the hard won liberation that we enjoy today. Most importantly. H/H Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose reached here in 1943
and liberated the ill-fated prisoners from the jail.
Next, we visited the beaches namely Corbyn's Cove Beach, Chidiya Tappu Beach, Ross Islands, Elephant beach, Havlock beach and so on. There was pleasant weather and breathtaking as also the amazing landscape make the Andaman Islands, the perfect abode for the tourists to have a mystic surroundings. We visited the light house located at Ross Island ferrying the sea by a swanky cruise which was an adventurous one. This island named after 'Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Dweep' The highlight for us was free running deers, which we took some shots. This is and was a heaven for the British where they set up a posh colony with a military barrack, prisons, church, swimming pool, power house,etc. now dilapidated completely after the bombardment by the Japanese soldiers. Then, we visited the Chidiya Tappu Beach, where we listened the chirpy sounds of various birds that attracted us immensely. For us, it was a good solitary place of serenity for yoga postures for a while which were caught in our camera by my son. The so called 'Havlock Beach' was a marvellous site for the tourists offering boat riding, snorkeling, scuba diving,etc. Next destination to the Naval Marine Museum displaying various types of colorful corals, turtle, sea fishes, carcasses of whale and shirk,etc. it was really treat to watch.
In the meantime, we took our lunch at a classic restaurant gorging on delicious and awesome seafood items like big size lobster, pomphret fish, mixed fried rice, lemon juice etc. and got refreshed.Thereafter, we returned to our 'Nestle'. We spent there for about 4 days and came back to Kolkata leaving many fond memories in my life about Andaman Islands that really touched my heart deeply.
― "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."
Saint Augustine
Date 10-11-2024
As a senior citizen of India, I have personally observed for the last 50 years that the Constitution of India has been trampled abruptly as per the conveniences of the judges of Supreme Court and High Court as also by the elected Govts.(both Central and State), when they come in the power, they change the policies as per their needs. In our Constitution, it clearly delineates that it is meant "for the people, of the people and by the people". This preamble is not being followed and adhered to, strictly. We often read the newspaper wherein the news mostly comprising of the crimes like rape, murder,kidnapping,extortion,fund embezzlement ,fraudulence etc. When the victims and common men rush to the Police Station for getting justice after the incidence and urge them to register the FIR , they flatly refuse to do so as the accused either are the relatives or the party workers of so called netas, ministers,M.P.s/MLAs, celebrities,etc. But, after the persistent pressure by the errant public, they ultimately register the FIR and take the accused under custody and send them to the District courts for trial. If the District Judge convicts the accused after proving sufficient evidences, then the accused appeal to the High Court/Supreme Court for granting bail. If he fails to get the bail from the High Court too, he files the case with the Supreme Court with spending lakhs of money for. the purpose. The Supreme Court immediately enlist the case on priority, as it is supported by the powerful netas/politicians and the Supreme Court absolves the accused without considering the merit of the case whereas the actual victims don't get the natural justice as they can't afford a huge legal expenses.
Mostly, the villagers and poor people suffer a lot as the Police Dept. does not act seriously at the insistence of the concerned ministers/MPs/MLAs to suppress the case. Naturally, the police let the accused scot free. Once again, they commit the same crime. The police does not get free hand to
perform their duties. Recently,the corruption cases under PMLA(Money Laundering) are on the increase exponentially where mostly the ministers,MPs/MLAs are directly or indirectly involved in amassing the black money wrongfully. I don't want to specify the names of the tainted politicians/perpetrators who are charged with the money laundering, cash for jobs,etc. When the cases are referred to CBI/ED for investigation and are taken to their custody, the accused makes an all out
efforts to bail out from their custody and files the petition at Supreme Court directly without bothering the huge legal expenses to the lawyers ,against the ongoing investigations carried out by the CBI/ED,with sufficient evidences against them. The Supreme Court passes the verdict and acquits the accused with the ground that since the Investigating Agency fails to make charge sheet in time, the accused may be entitled to get the immunity and release from their custody with some pre-conditions ignoring all the solid evidences submitted by CBI/ED. This is the story of the present judicial system. Most recently, in a gruesome rape and murder case of a junior doctor in the R.G.Kar Medical College,Kolkata, the trial court Judge has passed an order of the life imprisonment of the accused instead of death sentence, as was strongly demanded by the protestors, sparing the influential perpetrators involved in the case which is very unfortunate. Even the CBI,/ED in this case didn't do justice impartially and transparently. Now, it has lost its credibility and the people have lost their faith in CBI/ED.
It is very pitiable thing there are lacs of cases are pending with the Supreme Court/High Court,etc.petitioned by the common men who have to wait for years after years for hearing/justice but to no avail. They are being deprived of getting the natural justice by the courts.Is this the law of land? As far as my knowledge goes, till date not a single politician/minister has been awarded the capital punishment. Instead, the common men have been convicted and get life sentences ,WHY? Now, the Parliament/Assemblies have become the war zone where the MPs/MLAs engage in altercations and get in an embroiled situation which is very shameful for us. Recently, it has become a trend to garner vote bank , the central/state Govts.announce some freebies to the tune of crores of money.Where such money comes from? Is not it the public money? If this unlawful things continue rampantly, then what will be the status of Democracy? What the new generation will learn from our present society? It is very sorry state of affair that our freedom fighters fought for the liberation of our country against the British Ruler.Today, we don't do justice to their selfless supreme sacrifices and I think it is meaningless to celebrate the Independence Day/Republic Day. The whole retinue of the systems have been eroded considerably, e.g. judiciary, policing,central investigating agencies,govt.machinery etc.
All these important things need to be reformed judiciously and transparently, particularly the law and order system so as to hold high our Constitution after 75 years of independence. Otherwise this country can never be a Developed Country by 2047. If required,the reformation may be done after amendments to the ordinances duly approved by the Hon'ble President of India.
To-day, the 26th February, 2025 REPUBLIC DAY" I pay my rich tribute to our freedom fighters. In the above narratives I have expressed my own feelings, as a citizen of India. Hope, every reader will reciprocate and appreciate my feelings.
― "Judiciary is the guardian of civilized life".
-- Dr.A.P.Abdul Kalam
Date 26-01-2025